Women and Emerging Futures

The next wave of my own evolution lies in exploring the potential of women to profoundly shape our world. Not only if women can but if women will...do what is required to make the difference. This demands redefining our notions of 'leadership' and reclaiming meaningful expression for women. To progress beyond historical notions of evolution through incremental change, we must redefine what it is to be human - and women are the key.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Inventing fields

I've been watching the moon out of my bedroom window. These last few nights, it's reminded me of my trip to Mauna Kea and the observatories on the Big Island. The night I was there, the moon was so full and bright that we could not look at it through the telescope. Blinding! That was the same night I saw a 'moonbow'....a rainbow but from the moon....a breathtakingly beautiful arc in the sky, pearl-white and shimmering. Wow....that was worth the trip....

That moon slowly drifting across the clear, crisp night sky has been causing me to notice how much longer it's been here than I have. I wonder how many civilizations this same moon has borne witness to, both in their beginnings and their endings? And do they really end, or do they just get mushy at the edges and a new one forms itself from what's left of the old. Kind of like those biscuits that are perpetually grown from the same yeast mixture. Endless. No beginnings and no endings. Just a constant ebbing and flowing.

In that thought, another emerged...the thought of life/culture/civilization as a huge, extensive game of Monopoly. I remember playing Monopoly, always eager to engage and then often finding myself tiring of the game and wondering 'When will this end???'. The game went back and forth, with some players falling away, and with two strong players remaining. It became Monopoly-ad-nauseaum. And boring. Just how long can we keep doing the same things, over and over again, and stay with it?

I wondered....how many times have we (energy beings that we are) played this same game? How many times have we come to the brink because we were unable to get past the existing game's rules and give ourselves permission to invent a new game? Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes of the old. Maybe ashes are a critical part of life.

So many years spent, by so many people, wondering what field of practice to go into and how to 'rise to the top' of that field when, quite possibly, the far more powerful question is: what field of practice shall I invent today? How the WEL-Systems community came into being was from noticing one day that I no longer wanted to be part of the existing way of moving through the world so I invented a new one - and invited others to play. Today, I am always in great company!

If I were to just allow myself to 'become', what might the impact be on 'becoming' as a process, itself? Bringing into expression that which does not yet exist and, in its creation, will reshape what does exist. A new game!

This '6 days to live' thing has certainly caused me to focus. I seem to be happiest when I don't have a clue! :) I wonder how I got that way....and even more, where it will take me.

As I was driving to the office, I caught snippets of a conversation on CBC about how varying labs around the world are working on teleportation. That appeals to me...and I know it's real. Just where do I want to go?

Breathing is good.....

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

More on intensity

It's another one of those moments that just showed up...in the middle of nothing even remotely connected to the notion/topic/idea...and caught me by surprise.

Years ago, when I was about to turn 40, I was in a good job, doing my thing and not thinking about any of it too much. I can't say that I was unhappy. It was more that I was busy living and hadn't really noticed too much of any of it.

As I approached that 'big day', my then-husband said to me: "Just think - only 25 more years to go." I froze! I was stunned at the truth of it. having gone completely unnoticed by me. In that nanosecond, I knew that if I kept doing what I was doing, I would be a drunk or a junkie (prescription meds are no less an addiction) or dead. In that single breath, I knew that I had to go.

Today, it was that same moment only now I'm older and wiser. And the same thought holds court: only 8 more years to go. How do I want to make those 8 years most meaningful to ME?

I know why and how I started all this in 1990. I also know how incredible this journey has been for me and for so many others. And still...I wonder...what is the next quantum leap that I know is there for me to take? As with all Emerging Futures, I have no content for what it is/will be. I only know that it's moving and the question is always "Do I have what it takes to trust it and allow myself to be carried?"

A small group is gathering soon in Ottawa. As with my instincts of January 2006, this same need is the attractor. The image that comes to mind is the gathering of dark storm clouds on the horizon. Not dangerous...not scary...and symbols of powerful energy gathering. When I see those coming, I know things are about to change.

Breathing is good....

Monday, August 27, 2007

Blink: different world!

My world is changing - fast! My world - the world my sons will inherit from me as one of its architects - is in dire need of change.

Change will come, inevitably. What I care about is whether that change comes from a state of awakened, mindful choice or from the peristaltic movement of my history forcing its way through the tight, narrow tubular structures of my own way of thinking. This is not unique to me. We have all been encouraged to surrender ourselves to this movement, as we have encouraged our children to surrender themselves. Fractals...

I am becoming more and more clear on how I choose to live, galvinized by the thought of having only those 6 days left to live. Big, bold, beautiful conversations with others hungry for the same - that's what I want! Sacred spaces within which our individual truth comes into flow. Exchanges. Explorations. Discoveries. Adventures of thought!

Themes, yes...on things that matter to me, like leadership, relationship, decloaking, engaging, manifesting. Agendas - not a one. Small gatherings of others equally hungry to WAKE UP to what calls to them from somewhere deep in the belly....or from behind the sternum, fully aware that it is not the heart. The time is NOW...and it will not go on forever.

Intensity. The kind of intensity that we might all 'normally' be tempted to shy away from; the kind that messes with my neat and tidy life; the kind that ensures I break a sweat as I ponder other than what I have always pondered before. Provocative. Evocative! Compelling.

Density. Thick, murky...not the cake-walk of my 'usual' daily requirements of work, family and friends. Truth. Not as an absolute but as it exits for me - the individual - discovering that there is no singular truth; and discovering how to be excited by that instead of afraid.

Results! Awakened people. Changed lives. Each ending, in that unique truth, a beginning and a platform for something else. No answers but immensely powerful questions. Courage to pursue ourselves into those wonderful murky places we have for so long frightened ourselves out of visiting! In MY truth, I have always found more of myself in that murky-ness than any other place/way.

Bold. Raw. Jagged. I'm so tired of the sappy, pappy stuff that passes as cutting-edge. So fed up with the same crap dressed up in new garb. Long gone is my capacity to be delicate about my thoughts, my life and my potential.

Once again, I am aware of the pressure in my body to ENGAGE - just as I did in January 2006. I have no idea where it will take me and what I know without a doubt is that as I engage in those big, bold, intense, dense, provocative, evocative, compelling conversations, my Emerging Future will present for me to inhale and from which to breathe life into the next wave of showing up for my own life.

I am emerging....and I am looking for people to play with.

Breathing is good....

Sunday, August 26, 2007

My Emerging Future....emerging

There was a time when I looked to others to define who I was to become. Not because I believed it to be the thing to do, but because I knew nothing else. No alternative existed in the structure of my reality. It just was.

As a child, it never occurred to me to NOT seek approval and applause from my parents, my teachers, my elders….from all those others who ran my world, not by mindful invitation but by an accident of birth. I could just as easily have been born on the other side of the world – and my world would have been very different. It did, indeed shape who I became. It served me well for a very long time, until one day, it didn’t serve me anymore.

There was a time when I felt like I was falling apart; a time when the scream inside me could no longer be ignored or silenced with striving, achieving and succeeding; with booze and food and sex. A time when I desperately needed to look elsewhere for who I was to become and had no sense of anything else being ‘out there’ that could have meaning for me.

All that had made sense to me, no longer did. What I had relied on no longer served me, and I had no idea what to do instead. So, not knowing where else to go or what else to do, I did what I needed to do to make it possible for me to stay where I was. The alternative was…nothing.

That worked for a while until the tension between the scream inside me and the pretense outside of me were no longer a match for each other – and the scream won. I collapsed into my own rage and my world inside me, collapsed.

The time had come when I let go of all that I knew, not because I knew anything else but because knowing what I did was now killing me. So I just stopped. Stopped striving. Stopped looking. Stopped doing all that I had been doing to just stand still in a place where I knew I no longer wanted to be. I stopped….and did nothing.

In that nothing, I found something different. I did not find answers, I found different questions. I did not find clear images; I found the capacity to see in the dark…in murky water. Sharp lines and distinct shapes gave way to fuzzy edges and overlapping notions – and I discovered that I loved it! I discovered that I loved the murky-ness of it all…..

That time grew and I wanted to find others who would also delight in the joy of the murky-ness…the joy of not knowing….of wandering…of discovering….and of exploring who else and, more importantly, what else we might all be, and so I shared my discoveries with others.

Discoveries spawned new thoughts; new thoughts invited new ways to see and hear and express; and all of these became the WEL-Systems body of knowledge. Others discovered and explored and expanded…and murky-ness became a pathway to clarity. Who would have thought…..

My life became full with those seeking to discover more about themselves. Full with men and women who were willing to open themselves to the possibility that what they knew, what they believe and what they thought themselves to be may indeed, be nothing more than habits of thinking – and they were much more! And so, community grew, as one person’s discoveries and insights became the invitation to another to consider their own evolution. From that, today, there are many. This community is growing by itself. It no longer needs me to infuse it or enliven it or to keep it alive. It now has a life of its own.

And now….in this time…..I am ready for the next wave of who I can become. In this time, I am not seeking to free myself from anything; or seeking new knowledge or information that I do not yet have. I have come to know and trust that I am already all that I require. In this time, I am ready to ENGAGE!

I am awake and present. I am ready for the ‘more’ that I know awaits me, to be engaged when I say it is time. And I say it is time, now.

The body of knowledge of WEL-Systems has grown and expanded with the growth and expansion of those who live it and not those who talk about living it. It has been the breeding ground for discovery – not just discovery of who else we are, but of what else we are. There are now many, many articles and blogs, written by myself and others, to invite consideration of a different way of moving through the world. I have written three books that offer perceptual models through which to reconsider our lives; and there are at least two more to come in the next six months. I’ve recorded alone and with others, hours of thoughts and notions and invitations, that offer enough variety for those who are seeking, to find. There are others who are adept at and with all of this material, as evidenced by the living of their own lives. And that is the key: how do they LIVE?

My Emerging Future pulls me to find others with whom to ENGAGE. Others who have the desire to LIVE awake, mindful and meaningful lives. This does not require knowledge – it requires the courage to connect to what we already know to be the truth of who we are…that lives inside of us. We may not know what that inner truth is but we know – without a doubt – that it is there.

Connection. I am mindful that how I stay connected to myself is through those deep, powerful, rich conversations with others. The ones that sometimes are scary because they come out of nowhere…out of the murky-ness….and pull us into their depths. The ones that are magnetic in their hold on our curiosity and draw us in a direction without knowing the destination – and we learn to love the ride!

Connection. To mySelf, my world and to others. Connection to the density and intensity with which I care – deeply and powerfully and in ways that vibrate and shape my world – and for which I am completely unapologetic.

My Emerging Future is taking shape by calling to me and engaging with those who want these conversations….who are seeking to engage and no longer think about engaging….and who are present to this pull within themselves. Big, bold conversations. Conversations in quiet places and sacred spaces. Conversations that promise nothing and lead to redefined lives. Conversations of five hours or five days – whatever it takes! Conversations that are wide open to explore the topics that hold meaning for those who choose to show up. I trust that as I shape my world, they will shape theirs, and it will be a world to which I have the desire to belong.

There is a god – and we are all it. No one else will rescue us from ourselves. No other force will reward or punish us with greater rigor than we do ourselves. Nothing other than our own hand will be responsible for the writing on the wall of our lives.

I have no idea where this will go – and I welcome the murky-ness.

Breathing is good…..

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Thought made flesh

I had lunch today with a friend whose company I thoroughly enjoy. I always come away from our ‘quarterly meetings’ with new notions to ponder and a great sense of being loved, supported and valued. I walk away from our time together focusing my attention on such huge and expansive thoughts…such potential and possibilities….all of which result in my feeling encouraged to stay true to myself and create those opportunities that are intended to rapidly and profoundly accelerate my own evolution, and invite others into them with me. After all, it is my holodeck.

When I got home, I scanned the WEL-Systems Blogging Community entries for the day and found the latest one by Anita. I have such great respect for Anita; for her sense of play, her courage and compassion; and for her unwavering commitment to her own unfolding. Her capacity for honesty sizzles, like a great steak on a BBQ, with a searing quality and a delicious outcome! Today, her words left me feeling such love and appreciation for the godforce that I know her to be. As always, I am deeply moved by her talent and her tenacity to ensure its survival – and her own. Her words were also an invitation to me to pay attention to what moved inside me as I read. .

These two events (lunch and the blog) and the corresponding internal cues they awakened brought my life into my awareness along a continuum. At one end – thought. At the other end – flesh. Put differently, at one end – energy. At the other end – matter.

I know only too well of what Anita speaks so eloquently. I could not even begin to estimate how many hours/days/years of my life have been consumed by the issue of my flesh. Is there too much of it? (I’ve noticed that rare is the woman who believes she has not enough of it!) Is it ‘properly’ distributed? Do I package it well enough for it to be experienced as and considered ‘attractive’ by others? Does it hang the way it’s supposed’ to, with the big chunks where they are most valued and the slender parts displayed for best results?

Rarely did I consider if I was vibrant, healthy and strong. Rarely did I ponder my flexibility or stamina. The demands of and on my flesh were not for my own benefit but for the benefits accrued to me indirectly because of the benefits of my flesh perceived by others and for others (i.e. stamina so that I could work longer and harder; vibrancy so that I would charm the clients and encourage their commitment to my employer, etc.) The value to me of my own flesh was not even worthy of my own consideration. What mattered most was how my flesh was rated by….by…..eveyone other than ME.

Today, my life is different and becoming more so from one day to the next. I am strong, vibrant and flexible. My flesh is healthy and well! I am delighted at the thought that I will be 60 in 2010. Sixty! 60!!! Wow! There is something about what is to come that leaves me feeling beautiful, powerful and immensely potent. To date, my life is a magical one. A charmed life with such incredible, amazing and powerful people in it! Just how much more magnificent will I have become by 2010?!? I know there is so much more of me that I will discover in the next three years.

I have come to notice that throughout my lifetime, as my attention shifted from my flesh to my energy….from by body to my thoughts….my world expanded. And so did the size of my ass! Not because I worked at it but because I paid no attention to it! I have recently become aware of the statues of women from eons ago and how round and full they are. How ever did we (women) get to become the stick figures (literally!) of the 21st century? Two-dimentional beings that if looked at from just the right angle, completely disappear.

And maybe all of that is a metaphor for something. For giving myself permission to BE large in the world. To think BIG thoughts! To take up space…spread out…expand into…and apologize for none of it. My flesh is a reflection of MY internal state…MY interests and needs and desires…and MY measure of what does and does not ‘feel’ good or right for ME.

My flesh is here for one reason and one reason only: without it, the expression of the godforce that I am would be so much more difficult in a physical world and would go undetected by most. I have no desire to be invisible – at least, not anymore. I could not always have said that.

My thoughts belong to me. My flesh belongs to me. They are connected, with my flesh on the outside a reflection of my thoughts/energy on the inside.

In this moment, I wonder: if I had daughters, what would I have lived with them that they might know their flesh, differently? How might I have moved through the world with them that they might have focused their attention on the presence of their voice expressing in the world rather than the presence of their flesh? On the sound that defines them rather than the flesh by which they are defined. I guess I’ll never know. What I do know is that as I was growing up and becoming a woman, my voice was often the most unwelcomed and irritating part of me.

As I write and consider Anita's words, I am reminded of what it was for me to be pregnant. I loved being pregnant! My flesh redesigned itself with round lines, softness and a great sense of relaxation into its natural expansion. What a surprise that was to me, having spent so much of my life struggling for straight lines and sharp angles; all things tight and immovable. Two sons later, I have learned that many wonderful things come in large, loose packages! J

I am finally…finally!...coming to a deep appreciation that what anyone else thinks of my flesh is none of my business. Perhaps, for me, that is the last frontier of freeing myself of external referencing. As a woman, that has been a long, rugged and sometimes deadly road to travel. Today, I know my flesh is a reflection of the strength, flexibility and vibrancy of what moves inside me.

Today was a good day. My life expanded because of these two women – each for different reasons and in different ways, each doing nothing more than authentically being herself - and their willingness to share the truth of who they authentically are in the moment. And maybe that’s what it’s all about.

Breathing is good…..

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Do It NOW!

I’m noticing how life just goes on. This feels connected to that idea of pondering what I might say (what different things might I say, and how might I say them differently, etc.) if I knew that I had 6 months…6 weeks…6 days to live.

I take so much for granted. Things like….my sons will always come home from their last outing; that my Dad will be there on Sunday for me to visit; or my Mom will be there on Saturday for us to go shopping. I take for granted that there will be another Alaska cruise with my family or that the Big Island will be there to welcome me back in April!

I am very mindful that every time my older son goes to his job in security, the he does not leave the house without my declaring that he have a safe night, and telling him that I love him. In that instance, I am very mindful that I just never really know…. Perhaps I am different in that instance because I feel the intensity attached to how he moves through his world, and match it with my own. “Do it now!’ pulses in my head, fills my heart and vibrates in my voice. I just never know….

How often have I put off doing what I care about, believing that I can do it another time? How often have I felt such strength of connection to another and not shared it? How often have I not taken the time to share the conversation I’m having with myself with the person or persons who seeded the thoughts? Being alive is in this moment. Everything else is just thinking about living

So much of how we live has become habit. Habits of thought. Habits of behaviour. Habits of belief. Words that we speak because we always have and not because they’re true or meaningful. And perhaps more profoundly, habits of intention. No wonder we keep getting what we’ve got when it never occurs to us to mindfully choose what we want! We just go about our business on automatic, allowing habits of intention to simply keep pumping out more of what’s already there. Until it’s not there anymore.

I am becoming very awake to this intensity. I’m noticing it in my self, my family, my clients…and my world. I’m noticing it in Alaska. I’m noticing it in the increasing movement of Gaia in her earthquakes, torrential rains and howling winds. I’m noticing it in the awakening volcanoes that rumble and spew ash and flow lava.

I’m noticing it in the ever-escalating presence of violence in our families, our schools, our neighborhoods and our streets. And perhaps, most of all, I’m noticing the violence that is spawned by our fights to the death to prove that my god is better than yours. Such viciousness and brutality in the name of any god!

This quiet thought sits at the back of my mind, as I watch the three-part series on CNN on 'God's Warriors': what would happen to it all if we were to discover that 'god' does not exist? What if the notion of a god - one that is not us - all started eons ago and is a story that just keeps getting told, without challenge. That we discover the only god that exists is the one that we all, already, are. We are the god we seek.

Wow…what would all the zealots do? All that investment in misery for nothing.

From all that I’ve learned in the last 30 years, I know – without a doubt – that I am god. And so is everyone else. The really important thing to pay attention to is: how does the god that I am choose to live?

Breathing is good…..

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Bearing Witness

It’s good to be home! As much as I enjoyed my experience of rest, relaxation and no laptop, I’m ready to re-engage.

As I lived it and as I reflect upon it, it’s clear that my experience of Alaska is a metaphor. This was my fourth cruise to this magnificent place and it was clear to me how things were ‘the same but different’, as the Hawaiians would say. The same crisp, clean air. The same vast, seemingly endless expanse of space. The same immensity, difficult to calibrate for depth or distance or mass. It was very difficult to get a sense of scale, with brown bears along the shoreline appearing like ants even with binoculars!

Much was different. Bright sun in a cloudless sky. Temperatures in the high 70’s and low 80’s. Not a drop of rain to be found in a place known for its precipitation. As I sat on the back deck, in jeans and a t-shirt, soaking up the sun, I was sure that I was in Hawaii. The weather of Hawaii in the vast spaces of Alaska. Things are changing.

We spent hours slowly circling in Glacier Bay. As recently as two years ago, when the glacier would ‘calve’, it would release a chunk of ice the size of a small car. This time, when it calved, the sharp crack of the ‘white lightening’ preceded a long, thick slice of the glacier crashing into the blue waters of the Pacific. A cheer would go up amongst the passengers on the ship, stunned by the beauty and the power of Nature. And as they cheered, I cried. How much longer would this be here? In that moment of awareness, I decided that I needed to be here, every year. I need to be present…to bear witness….to the changes as they unfold. I need to feel it…hear it…smell it…even if only in this small way.

During Influencing with Intention, there comes a time when each of the participants has the opportunity to tell their story…all of it, without interruption or interrogation; without advice or prodding or poking….a space to step into, to claim and to declare what they know their lives to have been. Those of us present commit to only one thing: to be there, silent and fully present, no matter how long it goes and no matter what it takes, to bear witness. It is one of the most sacred experiences I have ever lived.

In that moment – when the sheet of ice slid into the water – I felt that I was listening to a story; a story being told about something changing profoundly – and I need to bear witness to it.

Things are not as they were. I am not who I have been. The changes are neither small nor incremental. I am mindful that I will be 60 in three years; that I no longer wear the cloak of my culture; no longer think the thoughts of my culture or speak the words that are attached to it. I keep looking for an image to represent who I am becoming and nothing comes to me. And so I wait….

I have become aware that words escape me. And then I wonder: perhaps it is not so much that words escape me. Perhaps it is more that the words that come to me are different in both meaning and intensity than those I’ve used so easily in the past. And the thought comes to me that perhaps it is time for me to write as I would if I knew that I had only six months to live. Or six weeks. Or six days. To pay attention to what it is that is most meaningful to me and to allow it to be in flow. I wonder where that would take me.

Breathing is good…..

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Alaska Bound

I'm off to Alaska on a cruise - and I"m ready for the rest. This will be my 4th cruise to Alaska and already, in anticipation of this trip, I am experiencing flashes of memory from the other trips. Like my first trip, stepping out onto the balcony of the suite around 10:00 pm and being amazed as I looked toward the bow of the ship and watched the fog rolling in on itself like a giant roll of cotton candy, slowing enveloping the ship....and us, with it! It was an incredible sight; nothing I had ever seen before. That memory is right up there with the one and only time I saw a moonbow - a rainbow of pearly white light across the sky as the full moon reflects off moisture in the air - as I was returning from my trip to the summit of Mauna Kea. Amazing!

I look forward to boarding the ship and finding my stateroom. To settling in. To wandering the halls of the ship, checking out the paintings and other 'objets d'art' that line the walkways. Finding the casino ( remember that I won $900 on my first cruise and that was FUN! ) picking out the $1 slot for my next visit. :)

Three books in my bag, two of which are the story of the last Queen of the Kingdom of Hawaii - one written by her and one written about her. These really call to me...feel important to me...to digest.

My plans are...no plans! Sleeping in, maybe having breakfast on the balcony on my first awakeing. Reading. Walking the decks for my 'daily constitutional'. Spending time with my family; getting to know my step-daughters. Maybe journaling when the spirit moves me (as I'm sure it will since it always does).

Whale watching in Juneau. Walking tour in Ketchikan. Cruising in Glacier Bay and through the fjord. And shopping! Surely, there must be things that I absolutely cannot live without! The trick will be to find something weird enough for my sons and elegant enough for my mother.

I am ready to take this time for myself. I am blessed to know that I can go to Alaska, trusting that my parents are in good hands and in the loving care of my sons, Sheila and Koreen. I could not do this without all of them.

And so, I've learned - I don't have to do it alone. And because of that, I am Alaska bound!

Breathing is good....and I'll be back August 20th.


Saturday, August 04, 2007

Buffet of thoughts

I’m not even thinking in complete thoughts, these days. It feels more like thought ‘blips’ or perhaps sound bytes in my head. Things like:

* We need new language for the ‘energy’ conversation. We talk about ‘energy’ the same way that we talk about emotions/feelings, etc. – in the language of good/bad, right/wrong; in the language of ‘broken’ (i.e. holes in my aura) or victim (i.e. someone is sending me negative energy). How can this be??? How can something that is not a ‘thing’ be treated like a thing? As a nominalization, ‘energy’ can only exist as an experience in my body. To denominalize ‘energy’ demands that we return to the experience of the body. And in that place, there only ‘is’ intelligence/information. What we DO with it - i.e. how we engage it - determines the quality of our lives. NOTE TO SELF: write an article about how we have taken a quantum expression (energy) and squeezed it into a Newtonian box so that we can feel safe by making it familiar. What else can we do with it?

* Manifestation Spirals – the process for creating outside of us what lives inside of us. They are not separate – they are expressions along a continuum of existence/experience. We are always manifesting. The more potent question is: can we stay awake sufficiently to manifest what we intend? Manifestation, as a process of expression of the godforce that we are, NEVER sleeps. It is never that I am not manifesting – it is that I get distracted and manifest the outcome of that distraction, ie. my intention minus the degree of distraction (length of time and degree of intensity) = my life.

* Acceleration. Things keep moving faster and faster. As much as there are many for whom coma continues to be the most appealing state, there are many others who are awakening to discover that they are not who they have been taught to me. In that moment, it is as if you can hear the cascading sound of locks opening in sequence, and the creaky hinges swinging open the doors to a different reality. In an instant, life changes.

* Women. Women don’t hold the key – women are the key. Not because of anything they have to learn or discover but because when they simply choose to be themselves and refuse to be anything else, life changes. No matter what the profession; no matter what the circumstances (and I am very aware that these circumstances are, in far too many ways and places, deadly and dire), it is the essence of our being that transforms. We are, after all, the gender that creates life. Without us, the survival of the species comes to an end.

* Puzzles. My life seems to be full of puzzle pieces. Over here, a piece about my family’s needs. Over there, a piece about the new Huna book. Up on that shelf, yet another piece about the size of my own intention and its implications. Next to it, a large piece that reminds me that my sons are all grown up and will soon be gone. Yet another piece, offering the opportunity to engage more provocatively…more extensively and visibly….to invite discovery – for me and for others. All pieces of a puzzle that I cannot see in its entirety to describe. It is less about putting these pieces together to some known outcome, and much more about watching them as they fall into place, my attention drawn to the spaces between the pieces. What else is to come?

* Entrepreneurial Women. Women in conversation, creating organic collectives that are designed for Manifestation Spirals. No rules. No fees/dues. A gathering of women who carry the desire to shape their world…to shape the world…in anticipation of a new way of defining our humanity. It is not about creating and/or designing/developing a business. It is much about discovering what business will shape itself when we have clarity and the power of intention behind the desire to Manifest? Sounds like fun to me!

Soon, I will be going away for a couple of weeks to allow myself the Space to bear witness to my own life. Nothing to do. Nothing to create. Nothing to write. And yet, I know that in that Space, Movement will occur that will defy description and definition – and my life will expand. And through it all, my greatest challenge will be to pay attention to the sun setting behind the mountains as I sail to Alaska….

Breathing is good…..

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Roots of god-lessness

For whatever reason, several people have asked me lately (at different times), just how far back we have to go to know the roots of the Androgynous Baby(TM) experiece. My feeling about that is that it does not really matter - what matters is how we live from this moment on. Where it began does not matter - where it ends, does...and it ends with me, in my life; and with you, in yours. Si?

One last thought: I have come to the conclusion that its roots began in the very first moment that we were taught to believe that each of us is NOT the godforce expressing in a physical universe. In that instant, we must rely on external cues to guide us through our lives. The next book - the one on Huna as a Gateway to the Godforce within - will offer much more about that.

Breathing is good.....